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cucumber tests

with regex

Feature: Greeting

Scenario: Greet the user by name
Given I am on the login page
When I enter my username "johndoe" and my password "password123"
Then I should see a welcome message containing my name

Scenario: Greet the user with a different name
Given I am on the login page
When I enter my username "janedoe" and my password "password456"
Then I should see a welcome message containing my name
from behave import *
import re

@given("I am on the login page")
def step_impl(context):
# Code to navigate to the login page

@when('I enter my username "{username}" and my password "{password}"')
def step_impl(context, username, password):
# Code to enter the username and password in the login form

@then('I should see a welcome message containing my name')
def step_impl(context):
# Code to find the welcome message element and extract the username
welcome_message = context.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".welcome-message").text
username ="Welcome, (.+?)!", welcome_message).group(1)
assert username == context.username
from behave import *

@when('I enter the name "{name}"')
def step_impl(context, name): = name

@then('the greeting should say "{greeting}"')
def step_impl(context, greeting):
assert f"Hello, {}!" == greeting

with data tables

Feature: Shopping Cart
As a customer
I want to be able to add items to my shopping cart
So that I can purchase them later

Scenario: Add items to shopping cart
Given I am on the shopping cart page
When I add the following items to my shopping cart:
| Item Name | Quantity |
| T-Shirt | 2 |
| Jeans | 1 |
| Sneakers | 1 |
Then I should see the following items in my shopping cart:
| Item Name | Quantity |
| T-Shirt | 2 |
| Jeans | 1 |
| Sneakers | 1 |
from behave import *

@given('I am on the shopping cart page')
def step_impl(context):
# Code to navigate to the shopping cart page

@when('I add the following items to my shopping cart:')
def step_impl(context):
# Code to add the items to the shopping cart
for row in context.table:
item_name = row["Item Name"]
quantity = row["Quantity"]
# Code to add the item to the cart with the specified quantity

@then('I should see the following items in my shopping cart:')
def step_impl(context):
# Code to get the items in the shopping cart
items_in_cart = []
for row in context.table:
item_name = row["Item Name"]
quantity = row["Quantity"]
# Code to check if the item is in the cart with the specified quantity
if item_name not in items_in_cart:
assert False, f"{item_name} is not in the cart"
elif items_in_cart.count(item_name) != int(quantity):
assert False, f"{item_name} quantity is incorrect"
if len(items_in_cart) != 0:
assert False, "There are unexpected items in the cart"