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Memento Mori

"Memento Mori" is a Latin phrase that translates to "Remember that you will die" in English. This concept has deep historical and philosophical roots and has been embraced by various cultures and religions throughout history. In the context of Stoicism, "Memento Mori" serves as a reminder of the impermanence of life and the inevitability of death. Here are key aspects of the topic:


  1. Impermanence and Transience:
  2. "Memento Mori" emphasizes the transient and fleeting nature of life. It encourages individuals to reflect on the fact that everything in life, including one's own existence, is temporary.

  3. Philosophical Reflection:

  4. The phrase is often used as a philosophical tool to prompt reflection on the meaning and purpose of life. By acknowledging the inevitability of death, individuals are encouraged to live with purpose and to prioritize what truly matters.

  5. Focus on the Present:

  6. The awareness of mortality is intended to shift focus away from concerns about the past or anxieties about the future. Instead, it encourages a mindful and intentional approach to the present moment.

  7. Motivation for Virtuous Living:

  8. In Stoicism, "Memento Mori" is not meant to induce fear or despair but rather to inspire virtuous living. The idea is that by recognizing the limited time one has, individuals are motivated to live in accordance with Stoic principles, such as practicing wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance.

  9. Humility and Humbleness:

  10. Contemplating one's mortality can foster humility and humbleness. It reminds individuals that, regardless of status or achievements, everyone shares the common fate of mortality.

  11. Cultural and Historical Significance:

  12. "Memento Mori" has been a theme in art, literature, and religious practices throughout history. Artistic representations often include symbols of mortality, such as skulls, hourglasses, or other reminders of death.

  13. Cultural Variations:

  14. While the phrase is often associated with Stoicism, similar concepts appear in various cultures. For example, in Buddhism, the awareness of impermanence is a central tenet, and in Christian art, the theme of death and resurrection is depicted in memento mori motifs.

  15. Personal Growth and Transformation:

  16. Embracing "Memento Mori" can lead to personal growth and transformation. By confronting the reality of mortality, individuals may reassess priorities, set meaningful goals, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for life.

Overall, "Memento Mori" serves as a powerful and timeless reminder to live a purposeful and virtuous life in the face of life's impermanence. It encourages a shift in perspective from fear of death to a focus on making the most of the present moment and contributing positively to the world.

challenge: who are you at your own funeral


  • pretend you're watching your own funeral, what do you see?
  • what would you want people to say about you?
  • be that person now


  • I think I'd be ok with whatever people say about me already
  • I practice maranasati daily & aimlessness in buddhism so I have contemplated this many times and accept it
  • I live mostly for my family, but also for my ego & personal interests
  • problem is I am into stressful adventures like through hiking, or long arduous bicycle or motorcycle trips...
  • my family is into music & lighter adventures, glamping, etc.
  • I realized there no reason for me to push them to take part in my more painful adventures like I used to